August 17, 2009


Awaiting the results of who would become our new President?
*drumrolls please~*


Mohd Akmal B. Karim!~

Congratulations is in line from all PHYTAS's members~

Now, it is up to him to form the new PHYTAS's board members.

The actual results you may ask?

% Students votes : 74%
% Damaged votes : 7%

Malz: 64%
Azza: 29%

1 comment:

ami said...

hurrmmm... as expected, akmal will b the choosen one...
although i'm the one of azza's voters.. but to akmal, congrats!!=)
dear akmal, may u will lead phytas to become a great association..!!
smoga phytas mnjadi sbuah prsatuan yg lbih dsegani n brtambah aktif...
simple but settle..!!